Government of Argentina |
Government of Argentina - Online Gov Public Services |
Government of Argentina - Find Online Public Services. List of Phones, Address, Offices, Ministeries. Directory of National, Federal, State, Municipal, and Local Institutions. Secretary. Ministry in Argentina |
Government of Argentina - Official language: Spanish |
Presidencia - The official site of the Argentine Presidency. In Spanish. |
Diputados - The official web page of the House of Representatives of the Argentine Congress. Includes information about links to biographies, organizations, political affiliations, history and congressmen. In Spanish. |
Senado - Official site of the Senate of the Argentine Congress. In Spanish. Offers links and information about the Argentine Constitution and Senators (in Spanish and in English), Minutes of daily sessions. |
Official Gazette of the Argentine government. In Spanish. |
Gobierno Electronico .AR -
Portal of the Argentine government's. Includes links to all Argentine government,
provincial and some municipal web sites. Seeks to provide electronic access to
most forms, email addresses of government employees, and a clearinghouse for
queries relating to national public administration. In Spanish. |
Portal del Estado - |
Presidency of the Nation |
Cultura Secretariat of Culture and Communication |
SCYC - Secretariat of Culture and Communication |
INCAA - National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts |
InTeatro - National Institute of Theatre |
Comisión Nacional de Museos y de Monumentos y Lugares Históricos - |
SIDE - Secretariat of State Intelligence |
SeTCIP - Secretariat for Technology, Science and Productive Innovation |
Agencia SECYT - National Agency of Scientific and Technological Promotion |
ARN - Nuclear Regulatory Authority |
COFECyT - Federal Council of Science and Technology |
CONICET - National Council of Scientific and Technological Research |
CNEA - National Commission of Atomic Energy |
Secretaría de Turismo - Secretariat of Tourism |
Secretaría de Programación para la Prevención de la Drogadicción y la Lucha contra el Narcotráfico - |
Diputados - Chamber of Deputies |
Senado - Senate of the Nation |
JGM - Presidency of the Cabinet of Ministers |
SGP - Subsecretaría de la Gestión Pública |
Instituto Nacional de la Administración Pública (INAP) - National Institute of Public Administration |
Subsecretaría de Relaciones Institucionales - Undersecretariat of Institutional Relations |
Enlace Parlamentario - General Directorate of Parlamentary Information and Relation |
CNM - National Council of Women |
Ministry of Defence |
Army of Argentina |
Dirección de Remonta y Veterinaria - |
Air Force of Argentina |
MeteoFA (SMN) - National Meteorological Service |
ARA Navy of Argentina |
Hidro Servicio de Hidrografía Naval (SHN) - |
CITEFA - Institute of Scientific and Technical Research of the Navy |
DNA - National Directorate of Antarctica |
IGM - Military Geographical Institute |
Instituto de Ayuda Financiera para Pago de Retiros y Pensiones Militares (IAFPRPM) - |
RENAR - National Registry of Weapons |
MECON - Ministry of Economy |
SAGPyA - Secretariat of Agriculture, Cattle, Fisheries and Food |
SENASA - Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria |
INTA - National Institute of Agricultural Technology |
INIDEP - National Institute of Fisheries Research and Development |
SECDEF - Secretariat of Defence of the Competition and the Consumers |
Consumidor - Directorate of Defence of the Consumers |
CNDC - National Commission of Defence of the Competition |
Energía - Secretariat of Energy |
CFEE - Federal Council of Electric Energy |
Finanzas - Secretariat of Finance |
Financiamiento - Undersecretariat of Financing |
SSSF - Undersecretariat of Financial Services |
Secretaría de Hacienda - Secretariat of Finance |
ONC - Oficina Nacional de Contrataciones |
DNIP - Dirección Nacional de Incentivos Promocionales |
SICyM - Secretariat of Industry, Commerce and Mining |
DDCONS Dirección de Comercio Interior - Directorate of Internal Commerce |
ADI - Agency for Investment Development |
INTI - National Institute of Industrial Technology |
INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property |
CNCE - National Commission for External Commerce |
SEPyME - Secretariat of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises |
Secretaría de Programación Económica Regional |
DNCI - National Directorate of International Accounts |
Provincias - National Directorate of Coordination with the Provinces |
INDEC - National Institute of Statistics and Census |
ISEG - Instituto Superior de los Economistas de Gobierno |
AFIP - Federal Administration of Public Revenues |
Comisión Nacional de Valores - National Commission of Securities |
BCRA - Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina |
ME - Ministry of Education |
SES - SPU Secretariat of Higher Education |
DGID - General Directorate of Educational Research and Development |
INET - National Institute of Technological Education |
CONEAU - National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation |
- MRECIC - Ministry of External Relations, International Commerce and Worship |
SECEC - Secretariat of International Economic Relations |
CEI - Centre for the International Economy |
ISEN - Instituto del Servicio Exterior de la Nación |
CONAE - National Commission of Space Activities |
CEANA - Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de las Actividades del Nazismo en la Argentina |
MSAL Ministry of Health |
ANMAT - National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology |
ANLIS - National Administration of Health Laboratories and Institutes |
INCUCAI - Instituto Nacional Central Unico Coordinador de Ablación e Implante |
Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing |
SECOM - Secretariat of Communications |
CNC - National Commission of Communications |
Secretaría de Obras Públicas - Secretariat of Public Works |
INA - National Institute of Water and Environment |
Vialidad - National Directorate of Road Building |
MinInterior - Ministry of the Interior |
SECSEG - Secretariat of Internal Security |
Secretaría de Provincias - Secretariat of Provinces |
Municipios - Undersecretariat of Municipal Affairs |
Secretaría de Asuntos Políticos - Secretariat of Political Affairs |
Archivo - General Archive of the Nation |
Población - Undersecretariat of Population |
Migraciones DNM - National Directorate of Migration |
Policia Federal - Federal Police of Argentina |
Gendarmería Nacional Argentina - National Security |
PNA Prefectura Naval Argentina |
Ministry of Justice and Human Rights |
DNPC Dirección Nacional de Política Criminal |
DNRPA Dirección Nacional de los Registros Nacionales de la Propiedad del Automotor y de Creditos Prendarios |
Dirección Nacional de Medios Alternativos de Resolución de Conflictos (DiNaMARC) - |
SPF - Federal Prison Service |
PTN - Procuración del Tesoro de la Nación |
Trabajo - Ministry of Labour, Employment and Formation of Human Resources |
ANSES National Administration of the Social Security |
SAFJP - Superintendence of Administrators of Retirement and Pension Funds |
SRT - Superintendence of Labour Risks |
Desarrollo Social - Ministry of Social Development and Environment |
SDS - Secretariat of Social Development |
Medio Ambiente - Secretariat of Sustainable Development and Environmental Policy |
Deportes - Secretariat of Sport and Recreation |
Secretaría de Tercera Edad y Acción Social |
CENOC - Centro Nacional de Organizaciones de la Comunidad |
INACyM - Instituto Nacional de Acción Cooperativa y Mutual |
CNMYF - National Council of Youth and the Family |
MPF - Procuración General de la Nación |
AGN - Auditoría General de la Nación |
Defenso - National People's Ombudsperson |
CNE - National Electoral Chamber |
Poder Judicial de la Nación - Justice of the Nation |
CCC - Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Civil |
SECOM - Secretaria de Comunicaciones |
ATEDIS - Apoyo Tecnológico para la Discapacidad. Programa que implementa políticas públicas y proyectos que posibiliten el acceso de la tecnología a la mayor cantidad de ciudadanos vinculados a la integración de las personas con discapacidad. |
PSI - - Programa Nacional para la Sociedad de la Información Argentine Government Websites with information about their services and activities. |
- Bicentenario |
Ministerio de Defensa - Argentina -
Information about Defense. Argentine Air Force, Army, National Administration
for Antarctica , National Arms Registry, National Defense School, and Navy. In Spanish |
Library of Congress - Hispanic Internet Resources on Argentina. Government, Politics, Law: Argentina |
Argentina in U.S. Law Library of Congress - General view of Argentine political web sites and legal resources. Guide to Law Online. |
Argentina Constitution: Information on the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government. |
Latin American Network Information Center
(LANIC): Region Governments - Provides Web sites related to government in Argentina , Latin America and Caribbean countries, Part of the Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) at the University of Texas at Austin, with academic databases and information services. Most of the wweb sites are in Spanish.
Political Resources on the Net - Argentina 1:3 - Index of Argentine political sites available on the Internet, with links to Parties, Organizations, Governments and Media, etc. |
Government in Argentina links to Argentine web sites of governmental institutions and
political parties. |
Government |
Buenos Aires |
Diputados - Chamber of Deputies |
GBA Province of Buenos Aires - Government of the Province |
MAA Ministry of Agriculture, Cattle and Food |
EC - Ministry of Economy |
Ministry of Interior |
MJS - Ministry of Security |
MOSP - Ministry of Public Works and Services |
SPA - Secretariat of Environmental Policy |
ED - General Directorate of Culture and Education |
Tribunal de Cuentas - Court of Accounts |
SCBA - Justice of the Province of Buenos Aires |
Catamarca |
Government of the Province of Catamarca |
Catamarca - Chamber of Deputies |
Chamber of Senators |
Ministry of Production and Development |
Secretariat of Mining |
Chaco |
Government of the Province |
Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology |
Undersecretariat of Culture |
General Secretariat of the Interior |
- Directorate of Tourism |
Comercio Exterior - Secretariat of International Relations and External Commerce |
APA - Provincial Administration of Water |
Poder Judicial - Justice of the Province of Chaco |
Chubut |
- Justice of the Province of Chubut |
Cordoba |
Government of the Province |
Rentas - Taxes |
Corrientes |
Diputados - Legislature of the Province |
Undersecretariat of Planning |
Police of the Province of Corrientes |
Entre Rios |
Secretariat of Tourism |
Dirección General de Información Pública - General Directorate of Public Information |
Jujuy |
Justice of the Province of Jujuy |
La Pampa |
Government of the Province |
Ministry of Culture and Education |
Dirección General de Educación Polimodal y Superior - |
Policía - Police of the Province of La Pampa |
La Rioja |
Government of the Province |
APA - Provincial Administration of Water |
Mendoza |
Government of the Province |
Legislature of the Province |
HCD Diputados - Chamber of Deputies |
Justice of the Province of Mendoza |
Misiones |
Government of the Province |
Ecologia - Ministry of Ecology and Renewable Natural Resources |
Neuquén |
Government of the Province |
Río Negro |
Legislature of the Province |
Government of the Province |
Directorate of Mining |
Salta |
Government of the Province |
Secretariat of Culture |
San Juan |
Government of the Province |
San Luis |
Government of the Province |
Santa Cruz |
Government of the Province |
Undersecretariat of Tourism |
Santa Fe |
Government of the Province |
Santiago del Estero |
PJ SGO Justice of the Province of Santiago del Estero |
Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur |
Legislature of the Province |
Government of the Province |
Tucumán |
Legislature of the Province |
Ciudad de Buenos Aires |
Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires |
Centro de Documentacion Municipal (CEDOM) - |
Government of the City of Buenos Aires |
Registro del Estado Civil y Capacidad de las Personas - |
Municipal Institutions |
Municipality of Apóstoles |
Municipality of Campana |
Municipality of Cañuelas |
Municipality of Córdoba |
Municipality of La Plata |
Municipality of Morón |
Municipality of Neuquén |
Municipality of Pergamino |
Municipality of Posadas |
Municipality of Rafaela |
Municipality of Rosario |
Municipality of San Isidro |
Municipality of Santa Rosa |
Municipality of Tigre |
Embassies and Consulates |
Consulate General of Argentina in Sydney, Australia |
Embassy of Argentina in Brasilia, Brazil |
Consulate General of Argentina in Montreal, Canada |
Consulate of Argentina in Toronto, Canada |
Consulate General of Argentina in Shanghai, China (People's Republic) |
Embassy of Argentina in Berlin, Germany |
Embassy of Argentina in London, Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Consulado General de Argentina en Hong Kong - Consulate General of Argentina in Hong Kong |
Embassy of Argentina in Rome, Italy |
Embassy of Argentina in Tokyo, Japan |
Consulate General of Argentina in Tokyo, Japan |
Embassy of Argentina in Wellington, New Zealand |
Embassy of Argentina in Oslo, Norway |
Embassy of Argentina in Asuncion, Paraguay |
Embassy of Argentina in Kiev, Ukraine |
Consulate General of Argentina in Chicago, United States of America |
Consulate General of Argentina in Los Angeles, United States of America |
Consulate General of Argentina in Miami, United States of America |
Embassy of Argentina in Washington, United States of America |
Embassy of Argentina in Montevideo, Uruguay |
Consulate General of Argentina in Montevideo, Uruguay |
Embassy of Argentina in Hanoi, Vietnam |
UN Permanent Mission of Argentina to the United Nations in New York |
Political Parties |
Partido Justicialista (PJ) - Justicialist Party |
Alianza - Alliance |
Alianza Provincia de Buenos Aires - |
Unión Cívica Radical (UCR) - Radical Civic Union |
Frente por un País Solidario (FREPASO) - Front for a Country in Solidarity |
Acción por la República (AR) - Action for the Republic |
Frente Grande - Big Front |
Partido Intransigente (PI) - |
Partido Demócrata Cristiano (DC) - Christian Democratic Party |
Partido Socialista Democrático (PSD) - Democratic Socialist Party |
PSD Distrito Santa Fe - |
Partido Socialista Popular (PSP) - Popular Socialist Party |
Federación Ciudad de Buenos Aires - |
Partido de la Unidad Bonaerense |
Partido Demócrata (PD) - Democratic Party |
Movimiento Popular Jujeño (MPJ) - Popular Movement of Jujuy |
Movimiento Socialista de los Trabajadores (MST) - Socialist Workers' Movement |
Partido Comunista de Argentina (PCA) - Communist Party of Argentina {Member of: Izquierda Unida} |
Partido Comunista Revolucionario (PCR) - Revolutionary Communist Party |
Partido Humanista (PH) - Humanist Party |
PH Distrito Mendoza - Humanista |
Partido Obrero (PO) - Workers' Party |
Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) - Movement for Socialism |
Partido Socialista Auténtico (PSA) - Authentic Socialist Party |
Frente Social-Revolucionario Argentino - Argentinian Social-Revolutionary Front |
Partido de Trabajadores por el Socialismo (PTS) - Party of Workers for the Socialism |
Partido de la Libéracion (PL) - Liberation Party |
Partido Cooperativista Argentino - Argentinian Co-operative Party |
Partido Bolchevique por la Cuarta Internacional (PBCI) - Bolshevik Party for the Fourth International |
Partido Obrero Revolucionario (POR) - Revolutionary Workers' Party |
Partido de la Izquierda Nacional de la Argentina - Party of the National Left of Argentina |
Partido de la Ley Natural (PLN) - Natural Law Party |
Liga Socialista Revolucionaria (LSR) |
Government of Argentina Provinces : Buenos Aires, Capital Federal, Catamarca, Chaco, Chubut, Cordoba, Corrientes, Entre Rios, Formosa, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Neuquen, Rio Negro, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, Santiago, Tierra del Fuego, Tucuman |
PJN - Government Justice of Argentina |
CNE - Government Government of Argentina - Cámara Nacional Electoral
Elections in Argentina 27 October 2019 : President and Parliament - Argentine general election |
Argentina : Capital - Buenos Aires |
President - Mauricio Macri (2019) |
Cristina Fernández, Presidenta de la República Argentina (2012) |
Héctor Marcos Timerman, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto de la República Argentina (2012) |
Primary elections in Argentina are called PASO. With this system, all parties run primary elections in a same general elections. All parties must take part in it, both the parties with internal factions and parties with a single candidate list. The vote is this PASO Government is mandatory for all citizens. The PASO Elections were established in 2011 by the law 26,571. |
Argentina Provinces : Buenos Aires, Capital Federal, Catamarca, Chaco, Chubut, Cordoba, Corrientes, Entre Rios, Formosa, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Neuquen, Rio Negro, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, Santiago, Tierra del Fuego, Tucuman |
Argentina General information and updated references |
Phones in Argentina
Search a mobile in the phone companies and stores. AR Phone Book and Yellow Pages. List by City, Name, Number, Company. Internet Services and WebSites. 54 Code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. ARG
Argentina : Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chaco, Chubut, Cordoba, Corrientes, Distrito Federal, Entre Rios, Formosa, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Neuquen, Rio Negro, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero, Tierra del Fuego, Tucuman |
Argentina iso2 : AR iso3 : ARG Country : Argentina Lat : -38.4161 Long : -63.6167 Population : 45195777 |
Argentina Government in Argentina - Public Institutions. Elections, Electoral and Voters Information. Online Services
Argentina Find Phones Mobile Phone in Argentina - Phone Numbers. Telephone Guide
Search Argentina
Directory Argentina - Find more information and details
Search Argentina :
Government of Argentina. Gov List of Public Offices, Online Services, Official Websites, Ministeries, Embassies |
Elections in Argentina 2025 - Electoral information and candidates for president, prime minister, parliament, and political parties. Election Results and data, political parties and government institutions around the world. Where to vote in Argentina - Find voting places and electoral information. |
National Archive Argentina Public information and Forms |
Constitution and laws of Argentina |
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