Government of Bosnia

Government of Bosnia

Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Online Gov Public Services
Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Find Online Public Services. List of Phones, Address, Offices, Ministeries. Directory of National, Federal, State, Municipal, and Local Institutions. Secretary. Ministry
Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina) - Official language: Serbo-Croatian
Federal Institutions
Ministarstvo Vanjskih Poslova - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Odjel za Civilno Zrakoplovstvo - Department of Civil Aviation
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency
Regulatorna Agencija za Komunikacije - Communication Regulatory Agency
Novinska Agencija Bosne i Hercegovine - News Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Centre
CBBH Centralna Banka Bosne i Hercegovine (CBBH) - Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
RTVBiH Radio Televizija Bosne i Hercegovine (RTVBiH) - Radio Television of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ured Ombudsmana za Ljudska prava - Office of the Human Rights Ombudsperson
Ustavni Sud Bosne i Hercegovine - Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina
State Institutions
Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine - Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Parlament Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine - Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Vlada Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine - Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Federalno Ministarstvo Financija - Federal Ministry of Finance
Federalno Ministarstvo Socijalne Politike, Raseljenih Osoba i Izbjeglica - Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Displaced Persons and Refugees
Federalno Ministarstvo Prometa i Komunikacija - Federal Ministry of Transport and Communication
Agencija za Privatizaciju u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine - Agency for Privatization in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Federalni Meteoroloski Zavod - Federal Meteorological Office
Komisija za Vrijednosne Papire Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine - Securities Commission of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Federal Mine Action Centre
Investicijska Banka Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine - Investment Bank of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Institucija Ombudsmana Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine - Institution of the Ombudsmen of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Republika Srpska - Serbian Republic
Vlada Republike Srpske - Government of the Serbian Republic
Direkcija za Privatizaciju - Directorate for Privatization
Republicka Uprava Carina - Republican Customs Service
Republicko Javno Tuzilastvo - Republican Office of the Public Prosecutor
Centar za Uklanjanje Mina - Mine Action Centre
RTRS Radio Televizija Republike Srpske (RTRS) - Radio Television of the Serbian Republic
Ustavni Sud - Constitutional Court
Municipal Institutions
Hercegbosanska Zupanija - Herceg-Bosna Canton
Kanton Sarajevo
Sarajevo Canton - Sarajevo Canton
Tuzlanski Kanton - Tuzla Canton
Unsko-Sanski Kanton - Una-Sana Canton
Brcko Distrikt - Brcko District
Grad Bihac - City of Bihac
Grad Doboj - City of Doboj
Grad Mostar - City of Mostar
Grad Sarajevo - City of Sarajevo
Embassies and Consulates
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Canberra, Australia
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in The Hague, Netherlands
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Doha, Qatar
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Washington, United States of America
Permanent Mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations in New York
Political Parties
SDA Stranka Demokratske Akcije (SDA) - Party of Democratic Action
HDZ BiH Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica Bosne i Hercegovine (HDZ BiH) - Croatian Democratic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina
SDS Srpska Demokratska Stranka (SDS) - Serbian Democratic Party
SDP BiH Socijaldemokratska Partija Bosne i Hercegovine (SDP BiH) - Social Democratic Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina
SDP BiH Centar
Stranka Nezavisnih Socijaldemokrata Republike Srpske (SNSD) - Party of Independent Socialdemocrats of the Republic of Srpska
HKDU BiH Hrvatska Krscanska Demokratska Unija Bosne i Hercegovine (HKDU BiH) - Croatian Christian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina
LDS Liberalno Demokratska Stranka (LDS) - Liberal Democratic Party
Srpska Stranka Republike Srpske - Serbian Party of the Serbian Republic
HSS BiH Hrvatska Seljacka Stranka Bosne i Hercegovine (HSS BiH) - Croatian Peasants Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Other Institutions
OHR Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina
CRPC Commission for Real Property Claims of Displaced Persons and Refugees
Bosnia and Herzegovina : President - members of the presidency (2017 *)
Prime Minister - Denis Zvizdić (2017 *)
Bakir Izetbegovic, Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2012)
Vjekoslav Bevanda, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2012)
Zlatko Lagumdžija, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2012)
Government of Bosnia. October 2014.
Bosnia and Herzegovina General information and updated references
Phones in Bosnia and Herzegovina - BA / BIH / + 387
Government in Bosnia - Public Institutions. Elections, Electoral and Voters Information. Online Services
Bosnia Find Phones
Mobile Phone in Bosnia - Phone Numbers. Telephone Guide
Bosnia - Find more information and details
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Government of Bosnia. Gov List of Public Offices, Online Services, Official Websites, Ministeries, Embassies
Elections in Bosnia 2025 - Electoral information and candidates for president, prime minister, parliament, and political parties. Election Results and data, political parties and government institutions around the world. Where to vote in Bosnia - Find voting places and electoral information.
National Archive Bosnia Public information and Forms
Constitution and laws of Bosnia
Directory, America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa, International
Government Bosnia 2025
Bosnia-Herzegovina country profile
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Ethnicities, Religions, Languages Britannica
2023 Report on International Religious Freedom: Bosnia and Herzegovina Department of State
U.S. Government Invests $500,000 USD to Pilot New Voting Technologies in 2024 Bosnia and Herzegovina Municipal Elections | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Press Release USAID