Government of Ecuador |
Government of Ecuador Government - Online Gov Public Services |
Government of Ecuador - Find Online Public Services. List of Phones, Address, Offices, Ministeries. Directory of National, Federal, State, Municipal, and Local Institutions. Secretary. Ministry |
Government of Ecuador ![]() |
Government of Ecuador - Official language: Spanish |
Lenin Moreno President of Ecuador 2019 |
Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) - Ministry of Agriculture and Cattle |
Servicio de Información Agropecuaria (SICA) - Agricultural Information Service |
Ministro de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) - Ministry of Economy and Finance |
Direccion General de Rentas |
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura, Deportes y Recreación (MEC) - Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Recreation |
Ministerio de Energía y Minas - Ministry of Energy and Mining |
Subsecretaría de Minas - Subsecretariat of Mining |
Ministerio del Ambiente - Ministry of Environment |
Ministerio de Comercio Exterior, Industrialización y Pesca (MICIP) - Ministry for External Commerce, Industrialization and Fisheries |
Instituto Ecuatoriano de Normalización (INEN) - Ecuadorian Institute of Standardization |
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (MRREE) - Ministry of External Relations |
Ministerio de Gobierno y Policía - Ministry of Interior and Police |
Ministerio de Defensa Nacional (MDN) - Ministry of National Defence |
Ministerio de Salud Publica (MSP) - Ministry of Public Health |
Ministerio de Obras Públicas (MOP) - Ministry of Public Works |
Agencia de Garantía de Depósitos (AGD) |
Servicio de Rentas Internas (SRI) |
Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INEC) - National Institute of Statistics and Census |
Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (INAMHI) - National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology |
Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social (IESS) - Equatorian Institute of Social Security |
Instituto Geográfico Militar (IGM) - Military Geographic Institute |
Consejo de Seguridad Nacional (COSENA) - Council of National Security |
Consejo Nacional de Modernización del Estado (CONAM) - National Council of Modernization of State |
Consejo Nacional de Control de Sustancias Estupefacientes y Psicotrópicas (CONSEP) |
Comisión de Estudios para el Desarrollo de la Cuenca del Río Guayas (CEDEGE) |
Procuraduría General del Estado - State General Public Prosecution Office |
Superintendencia de Compañías - Superintendence of Companies |
Superintendencia de Bancos - Superintendence of Banks |
Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones - Superintendence of Telecommunications |
Banco Central del Ecuador - Central Bank of Ecuador |
Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE) - Supreme Electoral Court |
Consejo Nacional de la Judicatura - National Council of Justice |
Government |
Gobernación del Guayas - Government of Guayas |
Municipal Institutions |
Municipio de Baños de Agua Santa - Municipality of Baños de Agua Santa |
Municipio de Cuenca de los Andes - Municipality of Cuenca de los Andes |
Municipio de Otavalo - Municipality of Otavalo |
Distrito Metropolitano de Quito - Municipal District of Quito |
Embassies and Consulates |
Embajada del Ecuador en Bogotá, Colombia - Embassy of Ecuador in Bogota, Colombia |
Embajada del Ecuador en Tokio, Japón - Embassy of Ecuador in Tokyo, Japan |
Embajada del Ecuador en Estocolmo, Suecia - Embassy of Ecuador in Stockholm, Sweden |
Consulado General del Ecuador en Jersey City, Estados Unidos de América - Consulate General of Ecuador in Jersey City, United States of America |
Embajada del Ecuador en Washington, Estados Unidos de América - Embassy of Ecuador in Washington, United States of America |
Political Parties |
Partido Socialista - Frente Amplio - Socialist Party - Broad Front |
Partido Comunista Marxista Leninista del Ecuador (PCMLE) - Communist Marxist Leninist Party of Ecuador |
Partido Humanista del Ecuador - Humanist Party of Ecuador |
Presidential Elections : February / 19 / 2017 |
Ecuador |
Where to vote in Ecuador ?
In 2017 the ecuatorian electors votes for president, vicepresident, deputies y and andine representatives. The CNE enabled 40.947 voter centers. Juntas Receptoras del Voto (JRV) |
List of candidates |
Lenín Moreno - List 35 - Alianza PAIS - Movimiento Alianza PAIS, Patria Altiva I Soberana - With : Partido Socialista Ecuatoriano |
Guillermo Lasso - List 21 (CREO) - List 23 (SUMA) - Movimiento CREO, Creando Oportunidades - Alliance with : Movimiento SUMA, Sociedad Unida Más Acción |
Cynthia Viteri - List 6 - Partido Social Cristiano - With : Movimiento Concertación |
Patricio Zuquilanda - List 3 - PSP Partido Sociedad Patriotica 21 de Enero |
Iván Espinel - List 5 - Fuerza Compromiso Social |
Abdalá Bucaram - List 10 - Partido Fuerza EC |
Paco Moncayo - List 12 (ID) - List 2 (UP) - List 18 (MUPP) - Acuerdo Nacional por el Cambio - Formed by : Izquierda Democrática, Movimiento Unidad Popular, Movimiento de Unidad Plurinacional Pachakutik - Apoyado por: Centro Democrático Nacional |
Washington Pesantez - List 19 - Movimiento Union Ecuatoriana |
TSE Government Supreme Court of Ecuador - Tribunal Supremo Electoral |
CNE Consejo Nacional Government ![]() |
Information about the election in Ecuador. How to vote in the Government? |
Voter information for the Government in Ecuador - Elections Guide in Ecuador. |
Ecuador : Capital - Quito |
President - Rafael Correa Delgado (2017 *) |
Rafael Correa, Presidente Constitucional de la República del Ecuador (2012) |
Ricardo Patiño Aroca, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Exterior e Integración de la República del Ecuador (2012) |
Total Voting Population in Ecuador 2017 = 12.816.698 voters / 576.000 are young people.
Ecuador General information and updated references |
Phones in Ecuador
Search a mobile in the phone companies and stores. EC Phone Book and Yellow Pages. List by City, Name, Number, Company. Internet Services and WebSites. 593 Code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. ECU
Ecuador : Galapagos, Azuay, Bolivar, Canar, Carchi, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, El Oro, Esmeraldas, Guayas, Imbabura, Loja, Los Rios, Manabi, Morona-Santiago, Pastaza, Pichincha, Tungurahua, Zamora-Chinchipe, Sucumbios, Napo, Orellana |
Ecuador iso2 : EC iso3 : ECU Country : Ecuador Lat : -1.8312 Long : -78.1834 Population : 17643060 |
Ecuador Government in Ecuador - Public Institutions. Elections, Electoral and Voters Information. Online Services
Ecuador Find Phones Mobile Phone in Ecuador - Phone Numbers. Telephone Guide
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Government of Ecuador. Gov List of Public Offices, Online Services, Official Websites, Ministeries, Embassies |
Elections in Ecuador 2025 - Electoral information and candidates for president, prime minister, parliament, and political parties. Election Results and data, political parties and government institutions around the world. Where to vote in Ecuador - Find voting places and electoral information. |
National Archive Ecuador Public information and Forms |
Constitution and laws of Ecuador |
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