


Bremen - Government of Germany Sites. Phones, Address and Public Services
Bremen Government - List by States and Public Services - Find Government and Public Services. Phone, Address and Offices.
Bremen - State Government Institutions and Offices. Directory of Government Public Services by States and City
Bremische Bürgerschaft
Senat - Senate
Senator für Bau und Umwelt additional site - Senator for Building and Environment
Senator für Wirtschaft und Häfen - Senator for Economy and Ports
Senator für Bildung und Wissenschaft - Senator for Education and Science
Landesinstitut für Schule (LIS) - State Institute for School
Logistik Landeszentrale für politische Bildung - State Office for Political Education - Bremen
Senator für Finanzen - Senator for Finance
Senatskommission für das Personalwesen - Senate Commission for Personnel Affairs
Senator für Inneres, Kultur und Sport - Senator for Interior, Culture and Sport
Statistisches Landesamt Bremen - Statistical State Office Bremen
Polizei Bremen - Police Bremen
Senator für Arbeit, Frauen, Gesundheit, Jugend und Soziales
Sfgjsu - Senator for Labour, Women, Health, Youth and Social Affairs
Eichamt Bremen - Office of Weights and Measures Bremen
Bremische Landesmedienanstalt - Bremian State Media Institution
RB Radio Bremen
Landesbeauftrager für Datenschutz - State Commissioner for Data Protection
Bremen General information and updated references
Federal Government
State Government - List by States and Public Services
Government of Germany
Government Germany Bremen 2024
Germany to provide €1.3 billion in subsidies for decarbonization of ArcelorMittal GMK Center | English
Farmers protest against subsidy cuts across Germany Pig Progress
Port industry and coastal states publish “Bremen Declaration” American Journal of Transportation
Bremen court ruling: Benefits can be cut for migrants receiving church asylum InfoMigrants