Government of Peru |
Government of Peru - Online Gov Public Services |
Government of Peru - Find Online Public Services. List of Phones, Address, Offices, Ministeries. Directory of National, Federal, State, Municipal, and Local Institutions. Secretary. Ministry |
Government of Peru (República del Perú) - Official languages: Spanish, Quechua, Aymara |
General Resources |
Gobierno Peru - Portal of the Government |
Congreso - Congress of the Republic |
PCM - Presidency of the Council of Ministers |
INEI - National Institute of Statistics and Informatics |
INDECI - National Institute of Civil Defence |
CONAM - National Council of Environment |
PROMPERU - Commission for the Promotion of Peru |
PROMPEX - Commission for Export Promotion |
OSIPTEL Supervisor of Private Inversion in Telecommunications |
Pres - Ministry of the Presidency |
PROMUDEH - Ministry for the Advancement of Women and Human Development |
MinAg - Ministry of Agriculture |
MEF - Ministry of Economy and Finance |
MinEdu - Ministry of Education |
MEM - Ministry of Energy and Mining |
CTE Comisión de Tarifas Eléctricas |
RREE - Ministry of External Relations |
MinPes - Ministry of Fisheries |
MINSA - Ministry of Health |
MITINCI - Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Integration and International Commercial Negotiations |
Ministerio del Interior - Ministry of the Interior |
PNP - National Police of Peru |
MinJus - Ministry of Justice |
MTPS - Ministry of Labour and Social Assistance |
MTC - Ministry of Transport, Communication, Housing and Construction |
INICTEL National Institute of Research and Training in Telecommunications |
MPFN Public Ministry - Fiscal of the Nation |
Marina - Navy of Peru |
INDECOPI - National Institute for the Defence of Competition and for the Protection of Intellectual Property |
INMARPE - Maritime Institute of Peru |
IGP - Geophysical Institute of Peru |
INIDEN - Institute of Research for the National Development and Defence |
SUNAT - National Superintendence of Tax Administration |
ADUANAS - National Superintendence of Customs |
SBN - Superintendence of National Assets |
SUNASS Superintendencia Nacional de Saneamiento |
SBS - Superintendence of Banks and Insurances |
CONASEV - National Supervisory Commission of Companies and Securities |
COPRI Comisión de Promoción de la Inversión Privada |
CONAAN - National Commission of Antarctic Affairs |
BCRP - Central Reserve Bank of Peru |
Identidad - Registro Nacional de Identificación y Estado Civil |
ONPE Oficina Nacional de Procesos Electorales |
CONDOR Contraloría General de la República |
Ombudsman - Office of the People's Ombudsperson |
PJ Poder Judical |
Regional Government |
Gobierno de la Región Cusco |
Gobierno de la Región La Libertad |
Municipal Institutions |
Municipalidad de La Molina - Municipality of La Molina |
Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima - Metropolitan Municipality of Lima |
Ciudad de Miraflores - City of Miraflores |
Municipalidad de San Isidro - Municipality of San Isidro |
Embassies and Consulates |
Embajada del Perú en Canberra, Australia - Embassy of Peru in Canberra, Australia |
Consulado General del Perú en Sydney, Australia - Consulate General of Peru in Sydney, Australia |
Consulado General del Perú en San Pablo, Brasil - Consulate General of Peru in São Paulo, Brazil |
Embajada del Perú en Pekín, China (República Popular) - Embassy of Peru in Beijing, China (People's Republic) |
Oficina Comercial del Perú en Taipei, China (República) - Commercial Office of Peru in Taipei, China (Republic) |
Embajada del Perú en Bogotá, Colombia - Embassy of Peru in Bogota, Colombia |
Embajada del Perú en Copenhague, Dinamarca - Embassy of Peru in Copenhagen, Denmark |
Embajada del Perú en París, Francia - Embassy of Peru in Paris, France |
Embajada del Perú en Bonn, Alemania - Embassy of Peru in Bonn, Germany |
Consulado General del Perú en Francfort, Alemania - Consulate General of Peru in Frankfurt, Germany |
Embajada del Perú en Londres, Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte - Embassy of Peru in London, Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Embajada del Perú en Tegucigalpa, Honduras - Embassy of Peru in Tegucigalpa, Honduras |
Embajada del Perú en Panamá, Panamá - Embassy of Peru in Panama City, Panama |
Embajada del Perú en Warsaw, Polonia - Embassy of Peru in Warsaw, Poland |
Consulado General del Perú en Barcelona, España - Consulate General of Peru in Barcelona, Spain |
Consulado General del Perú en Madrid, España - Consulate General of Peru in Madrid, Spain |
Embajada del Perú en Estocolmo, Suecia - Embassy of Peru in Stockholm, Sweden |
Consulado General del Perú en Miami, Estados Unidos de América - Consulate General of Peru in Miami, United States of America |
Embajada del Perú en Washington, Estados Unidos de América - Embassy of Peru in Washington, United States of America |
Political Parties |
Partido Solidaridad Nacional - National Solidarity Party |
Unión por el Perú - Union for Peru |
Acción Popular - Popular Action |
Partido Comunista del Perú (PCP) - Communist Party of Peru |
Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores del Perú (PST) - Socialist Workers' Party of Peru |
Peru : Capital - Lima |
President - Pedro Kuczynski Godard (2017 *) |
Prime Minister - Fernando Martín Zavala Lombardi (2017 *) |
Ollanta Humala Tasso, Presidente de la República del Perú (2012) |
Óscar Valdés Dancuart, Primer Ministro de la República del Perú (2012) |
Rafael Roncagliolo Orbegoso, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de la República del Perú (2012) |
Lima, Capital of Peru |
Peru General information and updated references |
Phones in Peru
Search a mobile in the phone companies and stores. PE Phone Book and Yellow Pages. List by City, Name, Number, Company. Internet Services and WebSites. 51 Code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. PER
Peru : Lima, Amazonas, Ancash, Apurimac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Callao, Cusco, Huancavelica, Huanuco, Ica, Junin, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Moquegua, Pasco, Piura, Puno, San Martin, Tacna, Tumbes, Ucayali |
Peru iso2 : PE iso3 : PER Country : Peru Lat : -9.19 Long : -75.0152 Population : 32971846 |
Peru Government in Peru - Public Institutions. Elections, Electoral and Voters Information. Online Services
Peru Find Phones Mobile Phone in Peru - Phone Numbers. Telephone Guide
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Government of Peru. Gov List of Public Offices, Online Services, Official Websites, Ministeries, Embassies |
Elections in Peru 2025 - Electoral information and candidates for president, prime minister, parliament, and political parties. Election Results and data, political parties and government institutions around the world. Where to vote in Peru - Find voting places and electoral information. |
National Archive Peru Public information and Forms |
Constitution and laws of Peru |
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