Government of San Marino

Government of San Marino

Government of San Marino - Online Gov Public Services
Government of San Marino - Find Online Public Services. List of Phones, Address, Offices, Ministeries. Directory of National, Federal, State, Municipal, and Local Institutions. Secretary. Ministry
Government of San Marino - Official language: Italian (Italiano)
San Marino Government - National and Local Institutions - Ministry, Offices, Directory
Segreteria di Stato per la Sanità e la Sicurezza Sociale - State Secretariat for Health and Social Security
Segreteria di Stato per l'Industria, l'Artigianato, la Cooperazione Economica, le Poste e le Telecomunicazioni - State Secretariat for Industry, Handicraft, Economic Cooperation, Post and Telecommunication
Segreteria di Stato per gli Affari Interni e la Protezione Civile - State Secretariat for Internal Affairs and Civil Protection
Segreteria di Stato per il Lavoro e la Cooperazion - State Secretariat for Labour and Cooperation
Segreteria di Stato per i Rapporti con le Giunte di Castello, l'AASP e l'AASS
AASS Azienda Autónoma di Stato per i Servizi Pubblici
AASFN Azienda Autónoma di Stato Filatelica e Numismatica
Istituto di Credito Sammarinese (ICS)
Political Parties
Partito Democratico Cristiano Sammarinese (PDCS) - Christian Democratic Party of San Marino
Partito Socialista Sammarinese (PSS) - Socialist Party of San Marino
Partito Progressista Democratico Sammarinese (PPDS) - Democratic Progressive Party of San Marino
Alleanza Popolare dei Democratici Sammarinesi (APDS) - Popular Allicance of the Democrats of San Marino
Socialisti per le Riforme - Socialists for Reforms
Government of San Marino (Republic of San Marino)
H.E. Maurizio Rattini II and H.E. Italo Righi I, Captains Regent of the Republic of San Marino (2012)
Antonella Mularoni, Minister for Foreign and Political Affairs, Telecommunications and Transportations of the Republic of San Marino (2012)
Phones in San Marino (+378) Find Phones / SM / SMR
San Marino General information and updated references
Phones in San Marino Search a mobile in the phone companies and stores. SM Phone Book and Yellow Pages. List by City, Name, Number, Company. Internet Services and WebSites. 378 Code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. SMR
San Marino : Acquaviva, Chiesanuova, Domagnano, Faetano, Fiorentino, Borgo Maggiore, San Marino, Monte Giardino, Serravalle
San Marino

iso2 : SM
iso3 : SMR
Country : San Marino
Lat : 43.9424
Long : 12.4578
Population : 33938
San Marino
Government in San Marino - Public Institutions. Elections, Electoral and Voters Information. Online Services
San Marino Find Phones
Mobile Phone in San Marino - Phone Numbers. Telephone Guide
San Marino
San Marino - Find more information and details
Search San Marino :
Government of San Marino. Gov List of Public Offices, Online Services, Official Websites, Ministeries, Embassies
Elections in San Marino 2025 - Electoral information and candidates for president, prime minister, parliament, and political parties. Election Results and data, political parties and government institutions around the world. Where to vote in San Marino - Find voting places and electoral information.
National Archive San Marino Public information and Forms
Constitution and laws of San Marino
Directory, America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa, International
Government San Marino 2025
San Marino General Assembly of the United Nations General Debate
The tiny republic of San Marino is alarmingly friendly to Russia The Economist
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