Government of Venezuela

Government of Venezuela

Government of Venezuela  - Government - Online Gov Public Services
Government of Venezuela - Find Online Public Services. List of Phones, Address, Offices, Ministeries. Directory of National, Federal, State, Municipal, and Local Institutions. Secretary. Ministry
Government of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela)
Political structure of Venezuela - Country, executive, national legislature, legal system, national elections, and main political organizations, Venezuela is a federal republic that consists of 72 federal dependencies, 23 states, two federal territories, and one federal district
Consejo Nacional Electoral - Venezuelan National Electoral Council, which oversees elections and maintains an electoral database, In Spanish,

Presidencia de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela - Presidency of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Asamblea Nacional - National Assembly
Juan Guaido President of The National Assembly of Venezuela 2019  -
Ministerio de la Defensa (MD) - Ministry of Defence
Guardia Nacional De Venezuela - Venezuelan National Guard, Includes mission statement, organization, statistics, contact information, etc, In Spanish,

MINISTERIO DE ENERGIA Y MINAS , VENEZUELA - Venezuelan Ministry of Mines and Energy, A mostly descriptive site, In Spanish,

MINISTERIO DE LA PRESIDENCIA DE LA REPUBLICA DE VENEZUELA - Presidency of Venezuela, Includes links to biographies of the President and Cabinet Ministers, news, a daily summary of the Official Gazette, the Constitution, a virtual visit to the Miraflores Palace, and essays on Venezuelan history, geography, political system, education and culture, In Spanish,

MINISTERIO DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES DE LA REPUBLICA BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA - Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Includes links to its archives and library, consular services, foreign missions, speeches, the press and the news, etc, In Spanish >
MINISTERIO DEL AMBIENTE Y DE LOS RECURSOS NATURALES RENOVABLES - Venezuelan Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, In Spanish,

CONSUVE - Website for the Venezuelan Consulate in Miami, Includes links for businesses, newspapers and tourism,

SENADO DE LA REPUBLICA DE VENEZUELA - Official website of the Senate of Venezuela,

TRIBUNAL SUPREMO DE JUSTICIA - Official web site for the Venezuelan Supreme Court, Includes links to rulings and legislation, In Spanish,

UNESCO, VENEZUELA - Official site for Venezuela,s permanent mission to the UN Economic Scientific and Cultural Organization,UNESCO, In French,

VENEZUELA, MINISTERIO DE INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO - Venezuelan Ministry of Industry and Trade, In Spanish,

Venezuela :. Government
Ejercito Venezolano - Army of Venezuela
Armada de Venezuela - Navy of Venezuela
Fuerza Aérea Venezolana - Air Force of Venezuela
Guardia Nacional de Venezuela - National Guard of Venezuela
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (ME) - Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport
Instituto Nacional de Cooperación Educativa (INCE)
Instituto Nacional de Deportes (IND) - National Institute of Sport
Consejo Nacional de Universidades (CNU) - National Council of Universities
Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables (MARNR) - Ministry of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (MRE) - Ministry of External Relations
Ministerio de Finanzas (MF) - Ministry of Finance
Servicio Nacional Integrado de Administración Tributaria (SENIAT)
Oficina Central de Presupuesto (OCEPRE) - Central Office of Budget
Superintendencia de Bancos y otras Instituciones Financieras (SUDEBAN) - Superintendence of Banks and other Financial Institutions
Ministerio de la Producción y el Comercio (MPC) - Ministry of Production and Commerce
Superintendencia para la Promoción y Protección de la Libre Competencia - Superintendence for the Promotion and Protection of Free Competition
Consejo Nacional de Promoción de Inversiones (CONAPRI) - National Council of Investment Promotion
Comisión Antidumping y Sobre Subsidios (CASS)
Ministerio de Justicia (MJ) - Ministry of Justice
Ministerio de Planificación y Desarrollo (MPD) - Ministry of Planning and Development
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCT) - Ministry of Science and Technology
Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas (IVIC) - Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research
Oficina Central de Estadística e Informática (OCEI) - Central Office of Statistics and Informatics
Oficina Coordinadora de Hidrografía y Navegación (OCHINA) - Coordinating Office of Hydrography and Navigation
Instituto para la Defensa y Educación del Consumidor y del Usuario (INDECU)
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (CONICIT) - National Council of Scientific and Technological Research
Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL) - National Commision of Telecommunications
Superintendencia Nacional de Cooperativas (SUNACOOP)
Banco Central de Venezuela (BCV) - Central Bank of Venezuela
Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) - National Electoral Council
Contraloría General de la República
Consejo de la Judicatura
Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ) - Supreme Court of Justice
Gobernación del Estado - State Government Anzoategui
Instituto Autonomo para Ambiente, Minería y Ordenación del Territorio (IAMOT) - Autonomous Institute for Environment, Mining and Regional Planning
Gobernación del Estado - Tachira State Government
Alcaldía del Municipio Caroní
Alcaldía del Municipio San Francisco
Venezuela Embassies :.
CONSULADO GENERAL DE VENEZUELA , PUERTO RICO - Venezuelan Consulate in Puerto Rico, Includes cultural and tourism links, In Spanish,

EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Features the Embassy of the Republic of Venezuela in the United States, based in Washington, D,C, Discusses the Venezuelan government, economy, energy, tourism, and culture, Highlights Venezuelan news and information on consular services,

Embajada de Venezuela en Buenos Aires, Argentina - Embassy of Venezuela in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Embajada de Venezuela en Canberra, Australia - Embassy of Venezuela in Canberra, Australia
Consulado General de Venezuela en Belém, Brasil - Consulate General of Venezuela in Belem, Brazil
Embajada de Venezuela en Sofia, Bulgaria - Embassy of Venezuela in Sofia, Bulgaria
Embajada de Venezuela en Ottawa, Canadá - Embassy of Venezuela in Ottawa, Canada
Embajada de Venezuela en Santiago, Chile - Embassy of Venezuela in Santiago, Chile
Embajada de Venezuela en Beijing, China (República Popular) - Embassy of Venezuela in Beijing, China (People's Republic)
Embajada de Venezuela en Copenhague, Dinamarca - Embassy of Venezuela in Copenhagen, Denmark
Embajada de Venezuela en París, Francia - Embassy of Venezuela in Paris, France
UK Embassy - Embajada de Venezuela en Londres, Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte - Embassy of Venezuela in London, Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Embajada de Venezuela en Roma, Italia - Embassy of Venezuela in Rome, Italy
Embajada de Venezuela en Tokio, Japón - Embassy of Venezuela in Tokyo, Japan
Embajada de Venezuela en Kuala Lumpur, Malasia - Embassy of Venezuela in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Consulado General de Venezuela en San Juan, Puerto Rico - Consulate General of Venzuela in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Embajada de Venezuela en Moscú, Federación de Rusia - Embassy of Venezuela in Moscow, Russian Federation
Embajada de Venezuela en Madrid, España - Embassy of Venezuela in Madrid, Spain
Consulado General de Venezuela en Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España - Consulate General of Venzuela in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
Embajada de Venezuela en Estocolmo, Suecia - Embassy of Venezuela in Stockholm, Sweden
Consulado General de Venezuela en Boston, Estados Unidos de América - Consulate General of Venzuela in Boston, United States of America
Consulado General de Venezuela en Miami, Estados Unidos de América - Consulate General of Venezuela in Miami, United States of America
Consulado de Venezuela en San Francisco, Estados Unidos de América - Consulate of Venezuela in San Francisco, United States of America
Embajada de Venezuela en Washington, Estados Unidos de América - Embassy of Venezuela in Washington, United States of America
Misión Permanente de Venezuela ante las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York - Permanent Mission of Venezuela to the United Nations in New York
Delegación de Venezuela anta la UNESCO en París - Delegation of Venezuela to the UNESCO in Paris
Misión Permanente de Venezuela ante la Organización de los Estados Americanos en Washington - Permanent Mission of Venezuela to the Organization of American States in Washington
Venezuela Political :.
Acción Democrática (AD) - Democratic Action
Patria para Todos (PPT)
Partido Comunista de Venezuela (PCV) - Communist Party of Venezuela
Proyecto Venezuela
Juan Guaidó, President of the National Assembly.  -
President of Venezuela : Nicolas Maduro Moros (2017 *) - Reelected in 2018 under international questions about the election.
Caracas - Republic of Venezuela
President , Executive Vice President - The president is both the chief of state and government. Cabinet: Council of Ministers appointed by the president. Governments: president elected by popular vote for a six-year term , eligible for unlimited reelection;
Governments - December 2012 -
In 1999, a National Constituent Assembly drafted a new constitution that increased the presidential term to six years; an election was subsequently held on 30 July 2000 under the terms of this constitution
In 2009, a national referendum approved the elimination of term limits on all elected officials, including the presidency
Government in 2012 : Hugo CHAVEZ Frias reelected president; percent of vote - Hugo CHAVEZ Frias 62.9%, Manuel ROSALES 36.9%
Hugo Chávez Frías, Presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela (2012)
Nicolás Maduros Moros, Ministro del Poder Popular para Relaciones Exteriores de laRepública Bolivariana de Venezuela (2012)
Venezuela General information and updated references
CNE National Government Council of Venezuela / Consejo Nacional Electoral
Phones in Venezuela Search a mobile in the phone companies and stores. VE Phone Book and Yellow Pages. List by City, Name, Number, Company. Internet Services and WebSites. 58 Code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. VEN
Venezuela : Amazonas, Anzoategui, Apure, Aragua, Barinas, Bolivar, Carabobo, Cojedes, Delta Amacuro, Falcon, Guarico, Lara, Merida, Miranda, Monagas, Nueva Esparta, Portuguesa, Sucre, Tachira, Trujillo, Yaracuy, Zulia, Dependencias Federales, Distrito Federal, Vargas

iso2 : VE
iso3 : VEN
Country : Venezuela
Lat : 6.4238
Long : -66.5897
Population : 28435943
Government in Venezuela - Public Institutions. Elections, Electoral and Voters Information. Online Services
Venezuela Find Phones
Mobile Phone in Venezuela - Phone Numbers. Telephone Guide
Venezuela - Find more information and details
Search Venezuela :
Government of Venezuela. Gov List of Public Offices, Online Services, Official Websites, Ministeries, Embassies
Elections in Venezuela 2025 - Electoral information and candidates for president, prime minister, parliament, and political parties. Election Results and data, political parties and government institutions around the world. Where to vote in Venezuela - Find voting places and electoral information.
National Archive Venezuela Public information and Forms
Constitution and laws of Venezuela
Directory, America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa, International
Government Venezuela 2025
Condemning Maduro’s Illegitimate Attempt to Seize Power in Venezuela and Announcing New Actions Against his Regime and Support to support Venezuelans
Venezuela's opposition leader defies Maduro to lead protests that end in confusing arrest claims The Associated Press
What the world can do about Maduro Atlantic Council
Venezuela opposition leader Machado free after brief detention, government denies involvement Reuters Canada