Government of Yugoslavia |
Government of Yugoslavia - Online Gov Public Services |
Government of Yugoslavia - Find Online Public Services. List of Phones, Address, Offices, Ministeries. Directory of National, Federal, State, Municipal, and Local Institutions. Secretary. Ministry |
Government of Yugoslavia (Jugoslavija) - Official language: Serbo-Croatian |
Yugoslavia is now Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro |
Government of Bosnia |
Government of Serbia |
Government of Montenegro |
Government of Kosovo |
Government of Macedonia |
Federal Institutions |
Savezna Vlada - Federal Government |
Savezno Ministarstvo za Inostrane Poslove - Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs |
Savezno Ministarstvo Telekomunikacija - Federal Ministry of Telecommunication |
Savezni Zavod za Informatiku - Federal Office of Informatics |
Savezni Zavod za Statistiku - Federal Office of Statistics |
Vojska Jugoslavije - Yugoslav Army |
Savezna Uprava Carina - Federal Customs Service |
Savezni Hidrometeoroloski Institut - Federal Hydrometeorological Institute |
Arhiv Jugoslavije - Archives of Yugoslavia |
Radio Jugoslavija - Radio Yugoslavia |
Narodna Banka Jugoslavije - National Bank of Yugoslavia |
Komitet za Prikupljanje Podataka o Izvrsenim Zlocinima protiv Covecnosti i Medunarodnog Prava - Committee for Compiling Data on Crimes against Humanity and International Law |
State Institutions |
Crna Gora - Montenegro |
Predsjednik Republike Crne Gore - President of the Republic of Montenegro |
Skupstina Republike Crne Gore - Assembly of the Republic of Montenegro |
Vlada Republike Crne Gore - Government of the Republic of Montenegro |
Ministarstvo Inostranih Poslova - Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
National Tourism Organisation of Montenegro |
Hidrometeoroloski Zavod Crne Gore - Hydrometeorological Office of Montenegro |
Republicki Seizmoloski Zavod Crne Gore - Republican Seismological Office of Montenegro |
Savjet za Privatizaciju Republike Crne Gore - Privatization Council of the Republic of Montenegro |
Fond za Razvoj Republike Crne Gore - Development Fund of the Republic of Montenegro |
Centralna Banka Crne Gore - Central Bank of Montenegro |
Srbija - Serbia |
Narodna Skupstina Republike Srbije - National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia |
Vlada Republike Srbije - Government of the Republic of Serbia |
Ministarstvo za Privredu i Privatizaciju - Ministry of Economy and Privatisation |
Ministarstvo Prosvete i Sporta - Ministry of Education and Sports |
Ministarstvo Finansija i Ekonomije - Ministry of Finance and Economy |
MUP Ministarstvo Unutrasnjih Poslova - Ministry of Interior Affairs |
Ministarstvo za Ekonomske Veze sa Inostranstvom - Ministry for International Economic Relations |
Ministarstvo za Rad i Zaposljavanje - Ministry of Labour and Employment |
Ministarstvo za Socijalna Pitanja - Ministry of Social Affairs |
Ministarstvo Trgovine, Turizma i Usluga - Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Services |
National Tourism Organisation of Serbia |
Ministarstvo Saobracaja i Telekomunikacija - Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication |
Agencija za Strana Ulaganja i Promociju Izvoza Republike Srbije - Serbian Investment and Export Promotion Agency |
Republicki Zavod za Trziste Rada |
Institute for the Protection and Preservation of Monuments of Culture |
Municipal Institutions |
Grad Beograd - City of Belgrade |
Grad Cetinje - City of Cetinje |
Grad Nis - City of Nis |
Grad Novi Sad - City of Novi Sad |
Grad Podgorica - City of Podgorica |
Embassies and Consulates |
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in Tokyo, Japan |
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in Washington, United States of America |
Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to the United Nations in New York |
Political Parties |
DOS Demokratska Opozicija Srbije - Democratic Opposition of Serbia |
SPS Socijalisticka Partija Srbije - Socialist Party of Serbia |
JUL Jugoslovenska Levica - Yugoslav Left |
SRS Srpska Radikalna Stranka - Serbian Radical Party |
Srpski Pokret Obnove (SPO) - Serbian Renewal Movement |
Savez za Promene (SZP) - Alliance for Change |
Koalicija DAN |
Demokratska Stranka (DS) - Democratic Party {Member of: DOS, SZP} |
Demokratska Stranka Srbije (DSS) - Democratic Party of Serbia {Member of: DOS} |
Gradjanski Savez Srbije (GSS) - Civic Alliance of Serbia {Member of: DOS, SZP} |
Demohriscanska Stranka Srbije (DHSS) - Democratic-christian Party of Serbia {Member of: DOS} |
Nova Srbija - New Serbia {Member of: DOS} |
Demokratska Alternativa - Democratic Alternative {Member of: DOS, DAN} |
Demokratski Centar (DC) - Democratic Centre {Member of: DOS, DAN} |
Nova Demokratija - New Democracy {Member of: DOS, DAN} |
Socijaldemokratska Unija (SDU) - Socialdemocratic Union {Member of: DOS, SDP} |
Socijaldemokratija (SD) - Socialdemocracy {Member of: DOS, SZP} |
Pokret za Demokratsku Srbiju (PDS) - Movement for Democratic Serbia {Member of: DOS} |
Demokratska Partija Socijalista Crne Gore (DPS) - Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro |
Socijaldemokratska Partija Crne Gore (SDP) - Socialdemocratic Party of Montenegro |
Socijalisticka Narodna Partija Crne Gore (SNP) - Socialist People's Party of Montenegro |
Narodna Stranka - People's Party |
Srpska Narodna Stranka (SNS) - Serbian People's Party |
Liberalni Savez Crne Gore (LSCG) - Liberal Alliance of Montenegro |
Napredna Stranka - Progressive Party |
Srbija Zajedno - Serbia Together |
Saborna Narodna Stranka (SNS) - Congressional National Party |
Nova Komunisticka Partija Jugoslavije (NKPJ) - New Communist Party of Yugoslavia |
Republikanska Partija - Republican Party |
Koalicija Vojvodina - Vojvodina Coalition {Member of: DOS} |
Liga Socijaldemokrata Vojvodine (LSV) - League of Socialdemocrats of Vojvodina {Member of: DOS, SDP} |
Reformska Demokratska Stranka Vojvodine (RDSV) - Reform Democratic Party of Vojvodina {Member of: DOS, SDP} |
VMSZ Vajdasági Magyar Szövetség - Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians {Member of: DOS} |
VP Vojvodjanski Pokret - Vojvodina Movement |
Koalicija Sumadija - Liga za Sumadiju - Sumadija Coalition - League for Sumadija {Member of: DOS, SDP} |
Yugoslavia General information and updated references |
Yugoslavia Government in Yugoslavia - Public Institutions. Elections, Electoral and Voters Information. Online Services
Yugoslavia Find Phones Mobile Phone in Yugoslavia - Phone Numbers. Telephone Guide
Search Yugoslavia
Directory Yugoslavia - Find more information and details
Search Yugoslavia :
Government of Yugoslavia. Gov List of Public Offices, Online Services, Official Websites, Ministeries, Embassies |
Elections in Yugoslavia 2025 - Electoral information and candidates for president, prime minister, parliament, and political parties. Election Results and data, political parties and government institutions around the world. Where to vote in Yugoslavia - Find voting places and electoral information. |
National Archive Yugoslavia Public information and Forms |
Constitution and laws of Yugoslavia |
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